Disruptive technology in mining

Published on : 1/24/19
  • Disruptive technologies are quickly transforming the field service industry. Discover how Sodexo is adopting these technologies to improve safety, better meet clients’ needs and drive performance.

    With our mining clients operating in some of the most remote parts of the world and in some of the most extreme conditions, one of the biggest challenges for us is to keep our people and our assets safe and connected in a way that helps us to drive business performance, business improvement.

    Our Mining clients have been advancing automation in their business for a number of years, so we have had to evolve as well, bringing our own technical solutions to the services that we provide for them. Over the last three years, we have been rapidly deploying field service solutions across our services, starting in Western Australia with a large mining client.

    We use technology across our whole infrastructure - from mobile assets moving across vast, remote locations to static environments like a village or a camp in support of mining operations.

    Technology, a fundamental for safety and business competition

    Technology is fundamental to how we ensure the safety of our people, meet the expectations of our customers and also optimize the performance of our business to stay competitive.

    Due to the remoteness of some of these environments, there isn’t the sort of immediate support available that you might find in a built-up environment. So having a lens on changing conditions within the environment, plus the impact that it’s having on our assets, is really important.

    In the beginning it was about trying to understand our business better and turning the data that we had into insights that could be used to improve safety, reduce costs, or help us to drive additional revenues.

    Our clients will evolve their service needs as they mature their operations utilizing technology and automation and the challenge for us is to maintain our own pace and stay in an effort to get ahead and continue to provide services relevant to their business and relevant to the efficiency that they’re trying to drive.

    Paul Bean
    CEO Mining Worldwide

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